NBN Activations | O2A - FOH | How do I change my plan? Belong

How do I change my plan?

To change your plan:

1. Sign in to your Belong app or account using your email address and password
2. From your dashboard, choose Manage service
3. Select the Belong nbn plan you'd like
4. Confirm your change by clicking on Update Service

Please note: The Premium speed plan is only available on some types of nbn connections and plans. If you don’t see the Premium option then you’re not eligible.

Change your mind?
Changes to your plan are allowed once per calendar month. When switching plans (upgrading or downgrading), the new monthly fee will not take effect until the beginning of next month. That means there are no messy pro-rata fees to worry about, we simply charge you the new monthly fee at the start of the next month.
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